our F series Fan nozzlesand W series Full cone nozzlesto
wash the inside of reefer
containers (refrigerated
containers). The
interior sizes are 2.2m by
2.2m by 5.5m or 12m respectively for 20 and 40 footers containers. The refrigerated containers
are used to transport
perishable products which
would dirty the reefers. One example is the fishes
which may sometimes leave
remnants of scales, parts of
fishes, etc. which dirty and
leave smell and stains in
the reefer. The corrugated floor is on
its final stage scrub out
towards the door on the
spray frame return, leaving
a clean and dry container.
Wash Module
Self contained with 41 liter water
container, driven by single phase electric motor
discharging 8
liter/min @100bar through seamless stainless steel
tubing with four (4) qty 1/8W1/4 - 30 degrees full cone
inter-connected by compression fittings for mobile
on-site wash applications.
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